Issacc and Miss Pie in the jeep 7am -5deg and foggy as hell and we are all off to Issacc's first show.
Took for ever to get there with fog and road works and when we did the place is just so cold.
Issacc was on first in graduate,brushed him up then out side for a walk about calm him down.
Mark went in the ring first(only 2 of us there) when Issaacc decided he wanted to kill Marks puppy
So off he went into Zebedee mode,
couldn't hold him still on the floor or the table.Trying to keep him still....he wanted to look at everything,smell everything and kiss the judge.
O well try again next week.
So out comes Miss Pie she knows what she is doing...wrong lol she went into " i am not going to move today and when i get on that table i am going to lean so far over you better catch me" mode
I am never going to beat Marks goody two shoes dogs....dammmm....more training
any way well done Mark ill bring the muzzle next week