Hi all, I hope my news will be of some entertainment to you all. Now that I am slowing down a bit from showing, I will have more time to contribute to Billy’s Blog. Billy & I met a couple of years ago, on one of the internet discussion lists here in the USA. It didn’t take long before we became good friends. And, I found that Billy was new to the conformation world, but was well experienced in the Bedlington working world. We both agreed that people her and across the pond had been a bit remiss by breeding in separate directions for working and show Bedlingtons. I guess I am greedy. I want it ALL. Personally, I don’t think a Bedlington meets its standard if it cannot go to ground and also go into conformation ring and win.
So, that was the beginning of the association of Marikov Bedlingtons and Gipcyan Bedlingtons. I brought a little bitch over to the UK, to Bill. And, he had found a stunning little boy for me, bred by Sandra & Norman Hyde. Mr. Billy Bob. Billy Bob is a great combination of show and working lines, but still closely line bred. Perfect for an outcross to my tightly line bred girls.
That was the beginning of a great friendship and association of Marikov Bedlingtons and Gipcyan Bedlingtons. I am hoping that Billy has many a year to continue with our lines after I am gone. And, what he wants to do with my Marikov name after I am gone, is up to him. It has served me well. Have managed to finish 33 Amer. Champions in the past 20 years. And, hope to finish a few more before I give up.Since I jumped on it and bred Miss Pie’s sister, Molly to Billy Bob last December, I have got a head start on our combination. We have 2 babies here that are looking gorgeous and running me ragged! I am including a video for you to see what I mean.
I will try to keep you all updated on the Bedlington doings here in the USA and these crazy puppies.
With all the animal rights people today, we dog folks better be sticking together, no matter what part of the sport we are involved in or what country we live in, or we are going to lose our right to breed, show and enjoy our animals.
Time to feed the wild puppies. Til next time, Mary Lou