could not remember what i had been up to the past few weekends flew to France Issacc ready for terrier racing at the funday jeep as a pack mule for the trip to Brailes
Well it was that time of year and it’s off to Miss Colin’s favourite place "bunnyland". When we got there it was blowing a gale and overcast, so off to the pub for a spot of lunch a bacon butty and a pint of larger and sit the storm through. I got the class list for the show and no bedlington classes!! Mine were the only bedlingtons there. I went to the show tent as on the list was veteran terrier and under 20" and rabbit dog.That was me sorted for the day. ,Sitting in my jeep the orginiser came over and asked if I would judge the entered terrier class for them (long time since I have been bitten) so i said yes. And the rest is history,massive cup / big ribbons / kept all my fingers and the sun came out!.